Friday, December 19, 2008

Ancient Jewellery – Egyptian Pendants and Jewish Kabbalah Rings

When we study ancient civilizations we find many concepts related to spiritualism and theology. At that time it was a common tradition to wear magic rune necklaces and mystical rings and pendants with special engraved signs and symbols. Among popular ancient jewellery, Egyptian pendants and Kabbalah rings have been used widely throughout the history in different religions. Kabbalah is Jewish school of thought concerning the spiritual part of Judaism. Similarly, the rings and pendants from the time of kings and queens of ancient Egypt are still popular among antique lovers. Let’s find out more about these beautiful and unique jewellery articles.

Ankh and Scarab pendants from Egypt are commonly used throughout the world. The ancient ankh key is considered to be a key to some hidden treasure. Other symbols for protection, good health, and success are also used for making these pendants. Some of these articles are made of silver, while others are made of pure 18k gold. The scarab and ankh key are often combined in these designs along with other symbols like the eye of Horus, winged goddess Isis, the face of Nefertiti, and many others. Egyptian statues of various gods and goddesses and cartouche pendants with names of kings engraved on them are also liked by a lot of people.

Ancient jewellery from Egypt is representative of their religious beliefs and way of life. These items are considered as sacred and the wearer is blessed by the gods and goddesses of this ancient religion. Personalized silver cartouche pendants and hieroglyphic rings can also be found in this category. You can have your name engraved on these pendants and rings which is translated into hieroglyphic symbols by the modern Egyptian artisans. Scarab beetles in different colors and materials can also be bought as collectibles. Similarly, statues such as the mask of King Tutankhamun are liked by many people across the globe.

Ancient jewellery of the Jews is another interesting subject. Kabbalah jewellery is worth mentioning in this category which is composed of different kinds of pendants and rings made of silver, gold and some other metals. The five metal ring is believed to bring success and wealth in Judaism. Similarly, the merkaba pendant made of silver is used to live a healthy and balanced life. Many other symbols are also used in jewellery articles by Jews to represent different concepts of their religion. According to the Kabbalah, the human soul is composed of three elements. This concept is often seen in ancient Kabbalah jewellery.

Many types of appealing jewellery articles can be found in the category of ancient jewellery. Beautiful Egyptian pendants and hieroglyphic rings and religious jewellery articles such as Kabbalah rings can be easily found on the internet. Many contemporary jewellery designers also make use of these ancient designs and techniques of metalworking to create lovely and unique modern jewellery articles. Some people still believe wearing such magical pendants and rings can bring them good luck and therefore these articles are still quite popular in many cultures across the globe.

For More Information and Articles on Jewellery:
Please visit this site for full information about Jewellery and its different types and designs. For example Gold Jewellery, Silver Jewellery, Engagement Rings etc:

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